We participate in the first exhibition of the portal “FOTOGRAFÁ A CATALUÑA” which, according to its protagonists, intended to be the cornerstone of a future center or perhaps museum of photography of Catalunya.
“TRAÇOS DE LLUM” is a virtual exhibition about the first photographic technique: the daguerreotype. Following the thread of one of the most outstanding collections of daguerreotypes of the spanish state, DURAN COLLECTION of the mNACTEC, the exhibition unveils the highlights of the early photography, its protagonists, the technological advances that made it possible and its rapid introduction into the bourgeois society of the mid-nineteenth century.
Oscar Gonzalez is currently in charge of the Area of Conservation of the Museum of Science and Technology of Catalonia, the mNACTEC.
Oscar Gonzalez and Angela Gallego Lopez (conservation and restauration of photographs) contacted with the Taller Daguerrotipo to collaborate during the development of the project of exhibition and commemoration organised by the mNACTEC : live recreation of the first photograph made in Spain, video of presentation of the process chosen for the project, the Daguerreotype Becquerel, and contemporary daguerreotypes of Simone Choulle exhibits on the online ” TRAÇOS DE LLUM.
More from the Generalitat of Catalunya about the project of the center here: https://web.gencat.cat/ca/actualitat/detall/Fotografia-a-Catalunya:
“We currently have joined 15 collections from 6 institutions that had their funds digitalized already, 73 photographers, including several contemporary photographers, more than 1,600 photographs and over 300 online resources to learn Catalan photographic heritage.”
Involved in the project: Archivo Fotográfico de Barcelona , Archivo Nacional de Cataluña, Biblioteca de Cataluña, Museo de la Ciencia y la Técnica de Cataluña (mNACTEC ), Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Barcelona (MACBA ), Museo Nacional de Arte de Cataluña (MNAC).
Online exhibition:https://www.fotografiacatalunya.cat/ca/exposicions/comissariada/tdllum