To know from the practice the printing of digital negatives on albumen paper.
Experiment with hybrid photography where we will combine the practicality of digital photography with the highly handcrafted side of 19th century photography.
Provide digital photography with the added value of quality craftsmanship.
Promote and encourage interdisciplinary work among restorers, scientists, historians and photographers around the technology and photographic procedures of the nineteenth century.
Duration: 9 hours.
Location: In Situ or in our workshop in Jávea | Alicante
Nº participants: Individual
Dates: To be agreed with the participant
Admission: Includes materials. Participants will carry out the work done as well as a manual with the formulas and details of the procedure.
Individual Rate: 450 €
Booking: tallerdaguerrotipo@gmail.com
Contents and stages of the workshop
Presentation of the albumen print: the technique, the historical context and its applications.
Brief introduction and contact with historical material and albumen prints made by the collective.
Presentation of chemicals, medias (100% cotton paper without acid and transparencies for digital negatives) and safety regulations.
Description of the material: accessories used in the process.
Preparation of solutions necessary for the preparation and treatment of albumen paper: albumen solution, sensitive solution, gilding solution and fix preparation.
Coat the papers with albumen.
The coating of the papers will be done by suspension.
Drying hung from the albuminated paper and putting albuminated papers under pressure to reduce bending of the dried papers. We can proceed to a double coating for a brighter copies.
Sensitization of albumen papers by suspension and with wand.
Print a color chart on a transparency and make a copy on albumen paper.
Print a gray letter on transparency and make a copy on albumen paper.
Determine the correct time to get a black with good density.
Scan the albumen print of the greyscale to create a curve in Photoshop.
We will create the curve automatically using a plugin that we will install in Photoshop and manually by visual analysis.
Apply the curve to the greyscale and make a copy again on albumen paper
Observe the print and find out that the curve improves the grayscale restitution. Adjust the curve if necessary.
Making albumen prints from digital negatives.
Apply the curve to the digital files and print the negatives on albumen paper.
Copy made by contact in a daylight chassis.
Treatment of albumen paper.
Observe and analyze the images obtained and identify the faults and their solutions
We will adjust the digital files until we obtain an albumen print that seems to us correct.
The proposal is expandable and / or modifiable.